Friday, January 27, 2006

Who knew humanities could be fun?

So, my sociology is class is awesome. The first half of class was just intro bull shit cause it was the first day of class (yes, we start this late, eat it northwestern), but the second half of class. Oh, the second half of class. We took a Social Awareness Inventory. I'll provide the questions and my answers as follows.

1. Our internal cognitive processes are actually social phenomena (I dont even know what that means).

2. A community is a collection of people in which conflicts have been successfully resolved.

3. The only reason that altruism occurs is the personal "feeling good" that comes from helping others. (note the only)

4. A person's self concept is least stable during adolescence, rather than during childhood or adulthood.

5. It is better to be ignored than to be hated.
Über False

6. You have to like someone in order to be in love with him or her.

7. A person cannot have too much self esteem.

8. Obnoxious and nice people are continually repelled by each other.
False (I have nice friends)

9. Most people, when facing a threatening environment, will want to be with others.

10. The more attractive the woman, the more a man will try to make a date with her.

We then continued to spend the rest of class discussing the answers. Now this ain't to pansy ass sociology class, there are right answers, except to 7 and 10. 7 depends on your definition of self esteem, and 10 depends on the man's self esteem. And out of a 150 something class, I managed to talk thrice, cause I'm just that fucking pushy. As far as I know now, my answers to 3, 4, and 5 are right. We have yet to go over the others. But imagine how much fun talking about this shit is. Sociology is definitely an amazing class.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


So, there's this girl that goes to brown. I had lunch with said girl a couple weeks back and debated with her about being nice to people. The example we threw back and forth was holding open doors for people.

Her case: She politely holds open the door for everyone nearby in hopes that she is making an impression and they will do something nice for someone else.

My case: If it's a stranger, I would politely hold open the door simply because I do not care for them, and would hope that I never see them again (unless it's a hot stranger). If it's one of my friends, I would wait by the door, holding it open, and then as soon as they were about to pass through, close it on their face.

Ironically, I believe I am the one that's actually being kinder. In a world where everyone holds open doors for one another, good samaritan acts dull and lose their meaning. The point of being a good samaritan is picking your battles, the phrase originated because samaritan's were thought to be rude and crass. If one was to come across a good samaritan, it was most certainly something to be appreciated. If I were mean to strangers, they would think I was a bad person and would not appreciate the deeper meaning of my actions. However, I can afford to be rude to my friends, because they will forgive the unkindness, simply because they are my friends, and the day I hold the door open for them instead of slamming it in their face will be held sweet indeed. Does this not make sense? Maybe it's just me.

Friday, January 20, 2006


A blog is not a fucking online journal where one is to record their personal thoughts like a diary. A blog is an online wall where one displays their thoughts in an attempt to attract attention and impress those around them. Don't pretend otherwise.

Anywho, I went to Costa Rica, to any that care, and lived more stressfully in paradise than I ever will at school. While relaxing on the porch of a hut in the rain forest of the Osa Peninsula, I was constantly checking under my seat for spiders and scorpions or peering around walls and over steps in fear of terciopelas (really really poisonous snakes). I managed to get over some of my more ridiculous tendencies and enjoyed myself, but I realized that I trully belong in the sterile polluted habitat of the generic United States city.

I got out of my psuedo depressed phase, woopee, and have taken to a more agressive outlook. I'm tired of being nice to people and I'm tired of being polite (bear with me). I took my break as a chance to see people from high school (my readers), and reconnect or try to pick up where we left off over the summer. But honestly, fuck that, I want to go back to school. I'm really bored, and I'm not getting any, so what's the point?

"I bet you think this song is about you"

Friday, January 06, 2006

My glasses have a smudge on them.

What is depression?

In general I assume that I'm a relatively happy person. I can go day by day without succumbing to the pressures of life or the leisures of break. I smile when I feel like it and do what I want.

Is it depression when I just want to stay at home and wallow in uselessness instead of going out and interacting? Is it depression when I spend hours playing games by myself in a half lit room while everyone else in the house bustles back and forth noticeably? How could it be depression if I'm not sad? How could it be depression if I'm content?

I feel like there's something I was supposed to do, but I can't remember what.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I saw brokeback mountain on sunday and am now thuroughly depressed. Because it was such an amazing movie, I was affected the same way I was when I spent the weekend with Chase and Abby. Two couples that are so obviously in love but never have the words escaped their lips. As with my HMI friends, I was hoping the guys' relationship would persist and am now depressed because it didn't. I think I agree with blondie here in saying the most powerful line in the movie was "I wish I could quit you," although I think I've heard it somewhere before. If anyone agrees, I assumed they were both so agressive with each other because they were both homophobic and had to assert their manliness, which I thought was a nice touch. Good movie. Now everyone else can see how happy Chase and Abby were, and they weren't in fear of persecution.

Additional note again thanks to blondie: One of the great things about both these relationships, albeit one is fictional, was that although the word love wasn't present, it didn't matter because the actions that were there were so much more meaningful than sappy words would have been in their place.

It seems contrary to my personality to say that I believe in love, but I hope to one day find something so special that I can finally share the words and actions I crave so strongly with someone that shares them. That's all.

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