Friday, March 17, 2006


I was going to post the transcript of the 3 hour conversation I had about racism with a friend, but I managed to delete it.

Summarized: White people are on top of society. Non-whites have to deal with this fact every day and are forced to either conform to the white societal culture at the loss of themselves or draw a line between themselves and society because integration is not plausible in most circumstances. This design was designed by whites long ago but little to no effort has been made to reverse it because the only ones with the power to are reaping the benefits of the system.

My arrogant and cold response: White people aren't all as blind as we seem. The racist people will eventually die, only time will change the problem, because no self-respecting adult will change their mind. The only solution is to teach the children that we are all equal and to take interest in other cultures. There is no short term solution.


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